Maintaining Your Bus Licence:
Explain about notifiable medical conditions, penalties and restricted licences
Describe when medicals will need renewing
Explain how and when drug and alcohol screening can take place during employment and consequences for failing a test
Describe what will happen in the event of a conviction and the traffic commissioner’s role
Vehicle Checks:
Explain the components included in daily walkaround checks for PCVs
Describe what to do if the drivers become aware of defects during a journey
Explain to be mindful of personal health and enjoyment of the role
Drivers’ Hours:
Explain UK domestic drivers’ hours rules, including spreadover, duty time and breaks
Explain EU drivers’ hours rules including daily limits, double manning and ferry crossings
Ensure delegates understand the different types of tachographs and how to operate a tachograph unit
Increase drivers’ knowledge of tachograph regulations and usage
State the possible penalties for non-compliance
Explain what to do if a card is lost/stolen/defective
List the different modes and describe when they are used
Ensure delegates know what records to keep
List the types of cards and outline their usage
Explain how to complete a manual entry using a digital tachograph
Detail the records to be kept
Safe Carriage of Passengers:
Describe how overloading, vulnerable road users, pulling away safety and lighting all contribute to the safe carriage of passengers
Explain the need for excellent driving abilities, situational awareness, knowledge of traffic rules and regulations are required for passenger comfort and safety
Describe the special considerations when it comes to rural driving
Disabled Passengers:
Describe what features that buses and coaches must have by law for disabled people
Describe the driver’s responsibilities when it comes to disabled passengers
Explain when the driver can refuse entry and what a driver is permitted to do to accommodate a passenger using a wheelchair
Vulnerable Road Users:
Gain an overview of the Highway Code and its role in court proceedings
Learn the eight updates to the Highway Code in 2022 concerning vulnerable road users
Understand the new hierarchy of road users and define a vulnerable road user
Understand the safety concerns and necessary precautions when interacting with various vulnerable road users
Learn about the Dutch reach and its role in preventing injuries to passing cyclists
Recognize the unpredictability of pedestrians, especially children and those distracted by texting or walking animals
Learn about blind spots and ways to minimize risk
Compare casualty and fatality rates among different road user types and understand the role of larger vehicle drivers in ensuring the safety of vulnerable road users
Understand motorbike accident statistics and common problems for motorcyclists
Staying a Professional Driver:
Describe the driving skills required to be a professional driver, including defensive driving
Explain the importance of customer service and its impact on passengers’ journey
Subject Areas
- Vehicle Systems (Safety)
- Vulnerable Road Users
- Customer Service
- Legislation (Hours/WTD/Regs)