Introduce and name all classes from 1 to 9, highlighting that classes 1 and 7 require specialist training
Explain the components of a placard, including pictogram, text, class number and division where applicable
Explain the risks of dangerous substance escape and the importance of UN-approved packaging
Identify how certain classes react to heat and fire and the necessary precautions
Explain the segregation of incompatible dangerous goods, including foodstuffs and animal feeds
Highlight the presence of subsidiary hazards
Outline the actions to take in the event of a spillage
Describe chemical properties such as miscibility, gravity, flashpoints and asphyxiation risks
Class 2 - gases:
Divisions, transport categories and main dangers
Characteristics and risks of various gas types
Safe handling and transport of gas cylinders
Describe flammable liquid properties, including flashpoints, volatility and extinguishing methods
Explain the risks and handling precautions for flammable solids, self-heating materials and water-reactive substances
Explain the characteristics, dangers and segregation requirements of class 5 substances
Describe the characteristics, dangers and containment of toxic and infectious substances
Explain the characteristics, dangers and handling of corrosive substances
Highlight the characteristics of class 9 goods and provide examples
Subject Areas
- Loading/Unloading (LGV)
- Legislation for Carriage of Goods