
The objectives of this course are for the driver to receive and understanding of the role that a trade union has within the haulage industry. This will permit the driver to make an informed decision when deciding to join a trade union, or not to. The driver will also receive knowledge of the laws relevant to them if they attempt to make a delivery at a location which is undertaking an industrial dispute, such as encountering a picket line.
The driver will also obtain a good understanding of their contract of employment. This understanding will provide the driver with a more harmonious workplace relationship with their employer, as knowing exactly what is expected of the driver, their allowances and renumeration packages, will considerably benefit both the driver and the employer. Additionally, the driver will learn about how employers implement workplace health and safety policies and procedures. As a result of knowing the background and requirements set on the employer, the driver will comply far more readily with those policies and procedures.

Subject Areas

  • Legislation (Hours/WTD/Regs)
  • Health, Safety & Emergencies
  • Professional Driver & Company Issues