LoCity Driving:
Explain the difference between CO2and CO2e
Discuss the levels of emissions per vehicle type
Review the challenges of air quality, including the introduction of CAZ from various cities across the UK
Outline how modern vehicles are designed to operate economically
Discuss vehicle checks and planning for your journey, and the improvements it can make to fuel efficiency, taking into consideration road type and congestion
Explain the importance of checking tyre pressures
Discuss the effects different operations have on fuel consumption
Discuss efficient driving techniques
Explain the improvements made from Euro iii engines to Euro VI. Identify the vehicle efficiency features and their benefits
List the alternative fuels to diesel: Battery electric vehicles, Hybrid, Biodiesel & Hydrogen
Vulnerable Road Users:
Explain why there is an increase in walking and cycling and why roads are changing to accommodate this
Explain the rules associated with new urban traffic designs
Describe what makes a road user vulnerable and who VRU are
Recognise the places where there may be high concentrations of VRUs and the importance of route planning
Explain why some VRUs may be unaware of you, your vehicle and the potential risks
Explain the hazards of driving on urban roads and sharing the roads with VRUs
Understand the role of the professional driver and how to avoid conflict with other road users
Describe hazard types and the hazard drill
Describe the blind spots on vehicles and how they can be minimised & explain the proper adjustment and use of close proximity mirrors
List the types of vehicle safety technology - describe the daily inspection, functionality and use of close proximity sensors and camera monitoring systems
Subject Areas
- Vehicle Systems (Transmission)
- Vehicle Systems (Safety)
- Safe and Fuel Efficient Driving
- Vulnerable Road Users
- Professional Driver & Company Issues