Learners to understand how behaviors of drivers can impact the company
Learners to identify and reduce road risk
To learn techniques for improving fuel efficiency
Be able to identify vulnerable road users
Be able to identify in-cab distractions
To know the legal requirements of vehicle pre checks.
To know the impact of regular checks.
To know the documentation required for pre checks.
to know how behavior impacts the company reputation and operator licence.
To know the correct PPE that is used for pre checks.
To know and understand company procedures and reporting vehicle defects.
To know sanctions applied for poor/unsafe loading.
Know how attitudes and behaviors can reflect on a company reputation.
To highlight the dangers of an unhealthy lifestyle within the transport logistics sector.
To reduce accidents and incidents involving poor driver well being.
To give up to date knowledge of drivers hours 561/2014, and a full understanding of working time regulations to all learners.
Understand how drivers can impact operators license.
Learners to understand and be able to demonstrate manual entry process
Subject Areas
- Safe and Fuel Efficient Driving
- Vulnerable Road Users
- Loading/Unloading (LGV)
- Legislation (Hours/WTD/Regs)
- Legislation for Carriage of Goods
- Health, Safety & Emergencies
- Industry Environment
- Personal Health & Wellbeing
- Physical/Mental Health & Wellbeing
- First Aid
- Professional Driver & Company Issues
- Industry Enviro. Carriage of Dangerous Goo