
A = Classroom.
On completion of the course PSV and LGV drivers will have sufficient knowledge to
Explain the moral, economic, and legal reasons for safe driving,
Apply duty of care to minimize road risk staff face and the risk they present to other road users.
Establish and evaluate work-related risk management practices across your operation

B= On the road with a cycle.
On completion of the course drivers will have sufficient knowledge of the risks associated with the conflict between LGV's, PCV's and VRU's.

Subject Areas

  • Health, Safety & Emergencies
  • Industry Enviro. Carriage of Dangerous Goo
  • Industry Environment Carriage of Passengers
  • Legislation (Hours/WTD/Regs)
  • Legislation for Carriage of Goods
  • Legislation for Carriage of Passengers
  • Personal Health & Wellbeing
  • Physical/Mental Health & Wellbeing
  • Professional Driver & Company Issues
  • Vehicle Systems (Safety)
  • Vulnerable Road Users