
To introduce awareness of environmental implications of transport operations
To ensure drivers understand the importance of their contribution to efficiency
To introduce the advantages of forward planning and route selection including low bridges
To introduce the importance of consideration of vulnerable road users
To make drivers aware of legislation surrounding safe loading of vehicles
provide an understanding of weight distribution, payloads and methods of load restraint when loading vehicles
To heighten awareness of the hazards of working at heights including safety measures
To ensure drivers understand their responsibilities for safe loading

Subject Areas

  • Legislation (Hours/WTD/Regs)
  • Loading/Unloading
  • Personal Health & Wellbeing
  • Professional Driver & Company Issues
  • Vehicle Systems (Safety)
  • Vehicle Systems (Transmission)

Course Dates

10/01/2025 at 08:00
Pole Position Driver Training Ltd
10, Delta House Carmondean Centre South, Livingston, EH54 8PT