Gear change - Provide information and examples of effective gear change optimisation
Safe Operation of the vehicle and controls - Provide information how to optimise the use of brakes and retarder, combined use of brakes and retarder, making better use of speed and gear ratio.
Alternative fuel sources- Electricity, Hydrogen
Optimise fuel consumption -Provide information on how to anticipate traffic flow, maintain appropriate distance to other vehicles, and appropriate tyre pressure, forward planning and thinking whilst driving.
Ability to anticipate, assess and adapt to risks in traffic - Provide information to be aware of and adapt to different road, traffic and weather conditions.
Ability to load the vehicle with due regard for safety rules and proper vehicle use - Provide information how forces affecting vehicles in motion, use of gearbox ratios according to vehicle load and road profile.
Ability to ensure passenger comfort and safety - Provide information for optimum position on the road and smooth braking.
Subject Areas
- Vehicle Systems (Transmission)
- Vehicle Systems (Safety)
- Safe and Fuel Efficient Driving
- Vulnerable Road Users
- Loading/Unloading (LGV)
- Customer Service
- Loading / Unloading (PCV)
- Industry Enviro. Carriage of Dangerous Goo
- Industry Environment Carriage of Passengers