Self evaluation - Provide information on how to evaluate your ability to drive and perform safely and effectively at work.
Understanding stress and illness - Provide information how this can affect your ability to operate a HGV and safe road usage.
Understand the fundamentals of customer care, be able to identify the difference between good and bad practice.
Communication and how to handle complaints - Provide information on communication skills, dealing with conflict and resolution.
Vehicle security - Provide information to understand types of 'truck' crime, protecting the driver, the load, drivers responsibilities, security equipment, vulnerable loads, secure parking at night.
Subject Areas
- Vulnerable Road Users
- Customer Service
- Health, Safety & Emergencies
- Personal Health & Wellbeing
- Physical/Mental Health & Wellbeing
- First Aid
- Professional Driver & Company Issues
- Industry Enviro. Carriage of Dangerous Goo
- Industry Environment Carriage of Passengers