Understand their own and their employer’s responsibilities. Understand the requirements to train operatives and the term ‘competent person’. Understand the concept of risk assessment and that only appropriate and correct equipment should be used. Understand the concept of safe systems of work and why they should be followed. Understand what the Rated Capacity marking is and why it is there. Understand the requirement to plan a lift and how. Understand the requirement to ensure the equipment is appropriately supervised. Aware of the main uses of different lorry loader types, the load types carried by the vehicle (including types of packaging, pallets, etc., if applicable), and will be able to name the parts of the lorry loader and ancillary equipment, as well as understand their basic functions. Aware of the legal requirements for pre-operational checks and thorough examinations; and how to carry out a systematic routine check of a lorry loader. Trainees will also understand the comparison to the driver’s responsibilities regarding vehicle ‘walkaround’ checks; and what those checks should cover. Identify different types of attachment; understand how to use any attachment installed on the training vehicle; understand that further training is required for each attachment type; and understand safety and the legal importance of securing attachments correctly for travel. Understanding of the need for a risk assessment upon arrival on site; how and where to site the lorry loader vehicle safely; the operator’s duty to ensure the proposed operation can be carried out safely within the scope and limitations of the Safe System of Work (Lift Plan); typical hazards that might be encountered; how ground, overhead, and physical conditions affect the stability and safety of operation; risks that might be controlled (e.g. pedestrian access via establishing of a cordon); concerns that should be reported to the Appointed Person (e.g. ground conditions, proximity to power lines, etc.); and site safety rules. Understand setting the loader to deploy the stabiliser legs in the correct manner. Understand the importance of correctly opening out the loader, after the loader has been set and stabilisers have been deployed in the correct manner. Understand basic operating principles, covering picking up, manoeuvring and depositing of loads in the correct manner, as well as the overload function. Verify and reinforce all applicable classroom elements in a practical environment. Explain, demonstrate and practice each stage on a per trainee basis. Utilise group discussion and questioning to verify understanding.
Subject Areas
- Vehicle Systems (Safety)
- Loading/Unloading (LGV)
- Health, Safety & Emergencies
- Personal Health & Wellbeing