Customer Care:
* Adopt behaviour to help enhance the image of the company
* Provide a standard of service for the company and its customers
* Deal appropriately with people they may meet.
* Deal appropriately and effectively with complaints
Industry Specific Health:
* The characteristics of the transmission system in order to make the best possible use of it.
* The technical characteristics and operation of the safety controls in order to control the vehicle, minimise wear and tear and prevent damage.
* Making better use of the speed and gear ratio
* Making use of vehicle momentum
* Action in the event of failure
* How to optimise fuel consumption
Subject Areas
- Loading/Unloading (LGV)
- Customer Service
- Loading / Unloading (PCV)
- Legislation for Carriage of Passengers
- Health, Safety & Emergencies
- Industry Environment
- Personal Health & Wellbeing
- First Aid
- Professional Driver & Company Issues
- Industry Environment Carriage of Passengers